

TVB 无线电视


Television Broadcasts Limited (“TVB”) (HKEX stock code: 00511) is one of the world’s largest commercial Chinese programme producers. Headquartered in Hong Kong, TVB is one of the few broadcasters in the world that operates a vertically integrated business model encompassing content creation, broadcasting and distribution. Since 2016, TVB has begun its transformation journey from a traditional media to a major digital player. It aspires to become a world-class media organisation with extensive digital and direct-to-customer capabilities, amplifying its long tradition to entertain, inform and enrich audiences.

TVB employs approximately 4,000 staff including over 600 artistes in Hong Kong and overseas. With its strong production capacity and audience influence, TVB operates a terrestrial TV broadcasting platform as well as video streaming services, myTV SUPER and TVB Anywhere, social media platform and e-commerce platforms, Big Big Shop, Ztore and Neigbuy.

As a key player in broadcasting sector, TVB’s strong viewership fosters close engagements with audience in its home market. Its terrestrial TV platform carrying five digital channels (Jade, J2, TVB News, Pearl, TVB Finance & Information) reaches out to 5.4 million in-home viewers in Hong Kong every week and its ratings maintain a 78% audience share against all channels. To cater to the audience’s changing viewing habits, TVB launched video streaming service, myTV SUPER, in 2016. This streaming platform leads the market in Hong Kong and has over 9.5 million registered users, representing a 51% household penetration and over 80% mobile device penetration.

Mainland China represents the largest and the most significant growth market for TVB. TVB is engaged in co-production of drama serials and licensing of programmes and content. Customers and business partners include online video platforms such as Tencent, iQiyi, Youku, BesTV and Migu, and social media/video-sharing platforms such as Sino Weibo, Toutiao, Douyin, Kuaishou and Mai Dui Dui. In addition, TVB’s Jade and Pearl channels are carried in the cable networks in the Guangdong province, which attract substantial viewership in cities of the Greater Bay Area.

Beyond Hong Kong and mainland China, TVB possesses an extensive overseas distribution network. It reaches out to the global Chinese communities through content licensing to pay TV platforms of Malaysia, Singapore, the USA and Canada. Its streaming service, TVB Anywhere, together with TVB footprints on social media platforms like YouTube attract an aggregated user base of over 24 million.

Synergising with TVB’s effective promotional power, Big Big Shop (“BBS”) was inaugurated in 2018 to provide an e-commerce platform for goods promoted on TVB’s channels. To further strengthen its market position, TVB successfully completed the acquisition of the controlling stake in the Hong Kong based Ztore group in August 2021. The acquisition is expected to generate significant synergistic effect with the existing operations and to facilitate a service development into live streaming e-commerce, targeting customers in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

TVB holds strategic investments in main board listed Shaw Brothers Holdings (HKEX stock code: 00953) which engages in production of movies and drama serials and in artiste management, and through partnership with Imagine Entertainment in the US in a joint venture company Imagine Tiger Television which invests in a slate of TV serials for distribution primarily in the US and the international markets.


电视广播有限公司(“TVB”)(港交所股票代码:00511)是全球最大的商业华语节目制作商之一。TVB 总部位于香港,是全球为数不多的运营垂直整合业务模式的广播公司之一,业务模式涵盖内容创作、广播和发行。从2016年开始,TVB开始了从传统媒体向数字大玩家的转型之旅。它渴望成为一个世界级的媒体组织,拥有广泛的数字和直接面向客户的能力,扩大其娱乐、告知和丰富观众的悠久传统。

TVB 在香港及海外拥有约 4,000 名员工,其中包括超过 600 名艺员。TVB凭借其强大的制作能力和观众影响力,经营地面电视广播平台以及视频流媒体服务myTV SUPER和TVB Anywhere、社交媒体平台和电子商务平台Big Big Shop、Ztore和Neigbuy。

作为广播业的主要参与者,TVB 的强大收视率促进了与本土市场观众的密切接触。其地面电视平台载有五个数码频道(翡翠台、J2、TVB News、Pearl、TVB Finance & Information),每周在香港吸引 540 万家庭观众,其收视率在所有频道中保持 78% 的观众份额。为迎合观众不断变化的收视习惯,无线电视于 2016 年推出视频串流服务 myTV SUPER。该串流平台引领香港市场,拥有超过 950 万注册用户,占 51% 的家庭渗透率和超过 80% 的移动设备渗透。

中国大陆是无线电视最大和最显着的增长市场。TVB 从事电视剧连续剧的联合制作以及节目和内容的授权。客户和业务合作伙伴包括腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、百视通、咪咕等在线视频平台,以及新浪微博、今日头条、抖音、快手、麦对等社交媒体/视频分享平台。此外,无线电视的翡翠台和明珠台在广东省的有线网络中播出,在大湾区城市吸引了大量收视率。

除香港及中国内地外,无线电视拥有广泛的海外发行网络。它通过内容授权向马来西亚、新加坡、美国和加拿大的付费电视平台接触全球华人社区。其流媒体服务 TVB Anywhere 以及 TVB 在 YouTube 等社交媒体平台上的足迹吸引了超过 2400 万的用户群。

Big Big Shop (“BBS”​​) 与 TVB 的有效推广力量相辅相成,于 2018 年成立,为 TVB 频道推广的商品提供电子商务平台。为进一步巩固其市场地位,TVB于2021年8月成功完成收购香港Ztore集团的控股权。预计此次收购将与现有业务产生显着的协同效应,并促进服务向直播e发展-商务,针对香港和大湾区的客户。

TVB战略投资主板上市公司邵氏集团(港交所股票代码:00953),从事影视剧制作及艺人管理,并与美国Imagine Entertainment合作成立合资公司Imagine Tiger Television,投资于主要在美国和国际市场发行的一系列电视连续剧。




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